Join us for exploration of Indigo and Shibori with returning Nashville-based artist, Aaron Head of @aaronsandershead!
Participants will learn basics of dyeing with an organic indigo vat, along with various approaches to shibori resist dyeing. Aaron will focus on Itajime (shape resist) and Kumo (twist resist) techniques, as well as more experimental techniques. Materials fee covers items listed below; participants are encouraged to bring their own small, natural fiber items to dye if time allows. Students will leave with dyed cotton fabric, dyed goods from home, and a handout detailing the dye process.
Detailed Description:
• Learn to dye natural fiber goods in a plant-derived indigo vat.
• Learn basics of Itajime (shape resist) and Kumo (twist resist) shibori dyeing, along with other shibori techniques.
Materials fee covers:
• A yard of cotton for experimentation.
• Supplies for shibori.
• Students are encouraged to bring small goods to dye. Cellulose fibers (cotton, linen, rayon, ramie) accept color best. Vintage linens, pillow cases, dishtowels and clothing are good choices. Pre-wash in hot water and dry before the workshop.
• Wear old clothing and shoes that can be stained. The dye will splash!
Saturday April 13, 2019, 11:00 AM-4:00 PM
Class fee is $95. A materials fee of $25 will be due to teacher at time of class.
Spaces are limited; online registration & payment are required to reserve your spot.
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